Egyptian Chronology is Unreliable
by Tom
Egyptian chronology is unreliable. One should check the Biblical texts to uncover mankind's real history.
(1) What happened to the Egyptians when they left Sumer/Shinar migrating from Iraq/Babylon to north-east Africa? The first pyramid (The Step Pyramid)was built shortly after the Egyptians settled in Africa.
(2)Who was the pharoah who took Sarah into his household and was plagued? The Pharoah was Pepi II who had trade relations with Sodom. The Memphis dynasty fell shortly after Abraham and Sarah left Egypt when Pepi II died and Sodom fell shortly after when the Thebean dynasty came to power.
(3) Why did Mentuhotep II dig 12 wells, Hagar and Ishmael's lives depended on well water and Abraham fought over a well? The answer is there was a drought in the Middle-East.
(4)Why was Isaac told not to enter Egypt? Senusret I was a throat sliter of Asiatics and Egypt was experiencing famine.
(5)Why did Egyptian king Senusret III invade Canaan? The Amorite kings were angered Jacob family had killed the male population of Shechem and God sent the Amorites terror. Jacob and family later enters Egypt in Senusret III's reign when Joseph is governor of Egypt. Jacob would eventually witness the third Hebrew generation being born in Egypt.
(6)Why did the Egyptian king Thutmose I know not Joseph? Pharoah Ahmose had stricken Joseph's name from all Egyptian records.
(7)Who was the Egyptian princess who saved baby Moses. It was Thutmose I daughter Hatshepsut. (8)Who was the pharoah of the Exodus? It was Thutmose III whose reign ended 480 years before Israel's king Solomon's 4th year. (1 Kings 6:1)
(9)What Egyptian king received letters from Canaanite kings stating the Haribu (Hebrews) had invaded Canaan? The Egyptian king was Amenhotep III.
(10)What Egyptian king started monotheism worship in Egypt after Joshua had died? Egyptian king Akenaton whose poetry is similar to Psalms 104 established monotheism in Egypt.
Egyptian chronology is flawed. There is no connection with Egypt and our Bible until we investigate Egyptian history without using the highly mythical Egyptian king list.