Significance of the Habiru people?

by Logan
(North Carolina, United States)

How are the Habiru people significant to history, or in their time period? Also, what's the difference between the Apiru & Habiru people?

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Mar 08, 2012
The Habiru and the Hyksos People
by: Anonymous

The Habiru and the Hyksos entered Egypt at the same time in 1702 B.C., during the global famine. (Genesis 41:57) The Habiru are Hebrews.

Joseph 1741-1631 B.C. served the Egyptian kings of Itj-tawy:
Senusret III 1742-1685 B.C.
Amenemhet III 1685-1640 B.C. and
Amenemhet IV 1640-1631 B.C.

Joseph died.Civil war struck Egypt.

Joseph collected horses for Egyptian bread from Canaanite Hyksos chieftains who had migrated to Avaris.(Horse skeleton found at Buhen Nubia dated to Senusret III construction of Nubian fortress)

Hyksos chieftains:

Sheshi 1702-1699 B.C. leads his people to Egypt.
Yakubher 1699-1690 B.C. name = Yacov/Yakub/Jacob.
Khyan 1690-1660 B.C. has trade with Crete and Babylon same places Amenemhet III had trade.
Apepi I 1660-1619 B.C. destroys Thebean Seqenenre Tao and Kamose armies in battle.
Apepi II or Khamudi 1619-1608 B.C. driven out of Egypt by Thebean KING Ahmose.

Thebean prince Tao's last year.

Tao 1632-1631 B.C. loses life to Apepi I's army.
Kamose 1631-1628 B.C. wars against queen Sobekneferu and both fall from power.
Ahmose 1628-1603 B.C. drives the Hyksos out of Egypt in the 1st Exodus.

Thutmose III is the pharaoh driving the Hebrews out of Egypt in the 2nd Exodus.

Feb 04, 2011
Significance of the Habiru people?
by: Stanley7

I, Stanley7, thank you, Logan, very much for asking me about "Significance of the Habiru people?", but I, Stanley7 am willing to help you and all others to know and understand better right now about two different peoples; between the "Apiru Peoples" and "Habiru Peoples".

Please be noted that all Biblical Scholars and all others everywhere internationally worldwide are deadly wrong to make all their own false creation stories. Okay.

First of all I, Stanley7, give my own proofed truth to you. Firstly, "Apiru Peoples" were all same ancient "Semitic Peoples" in all true ancient history.

Verily, verily, in the beginning "Apiru Peoples" came from Nahor's Life and times, his families, his relatives and his sides in Haran, Assyria, Mesopotamia to spread his first "Apiru Peoples" over in the Northeastern Area in Mesopotamia. This was known as the "Assyria Region of North Iraq", in order by the Egyptian Pharaoh to move his first "Apiru Peoples" to Egypt. They lived in Egypt under the Egyptian Pharaoh to become the Egyptian Pharaoh's first "Semitic Apiru Slaves" in order by the Egyptian Pharaoh at that time of 2283th Lord Year (1st Year). Okay. Always yes and true!

Secondly, in the beginning "Habiru Peoples" came from where Abram's life and times with his wife, Sarai, his relatives and his sides lived with his father, Terah's life and times and his "Hebrew Habiru Peoples" in UR, Chaldean, Mesopotamia.

Secondly "Habiru Peoples" were all same ancient "Hebrew Peoples" in all true ancient history by Abram, the Hebrew, to spread first "Hebrew Habiru Peoples" over to the Southeastern Area in Mesopotamia, known as the "Sumer Region of South Iraq".

Some years passed later, so the Egyptian Pharaoh, named as Thutmose's time, ordered to move his first "Hebrew Habiru Peoples", (Please be noted that it was truly without Abram's own true "Hebrew Peoples), to move to Egypt and lived in Egypt under the Egyptian Pharaoh, Thutmose to become the Egyptian Pharaoh, Thutmose's first "Hebrew Habiru Slaves" to join with "Semite Apiru Slaves" to become all known "Hebrew Slaves" at once a time in order by the Egyptian Pharaoh, Thutmose at that time of 2290th Lord Year (1st Year). Okay. Always yes and true!

I, Stanley7 thanked Lord Jesus Christ very much for His Nice Wonderful Information to me, Stanley7, only one left on Earth. Truthfully, Stanley7, Semite Hebrew Jewish Christian Canadian Servant with Lord Jesus Christ's Authority

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