History of Israel Media

The history of Israel Media Page is designed to present visitors with various topics and periods of Israel's history in different media formats. These formats include video links, You Tube links, audio links, links to pod casts, maps, etc. 

THE EXODUS is one of the most popular biblical topics - and most debated topics.  Much of this narrative is recorded in the Old Testament Book of Exodus. The date of the Exodus remains a controversial topic among Biblical scholars. Two primary dates are argued for; one in the 15th century BC, the other in the 13th century BC. The Exodus as an event is also questioned by many. Some think it occurred in waves of migrations which ended up lumped into one mass migration over time. Some think it never happened in any form. And others hold to the narrative as described by the Bible. 

GENESIS 4 is the narrative about Cain and Able. In this chapter Cain struggles with his relationship to God and his brother Able. Cain's struggle ends in the first recorded murder in human history.  Listen as Cain murders Able, jealous of God's favor and Able's sacrifice. Cain is banished to a life of toil and wandering. Cain would be doomed to a life of wandering - though he ends up building the first recorded city in Scripture. Cain's descendants would end up wicked and in spiritual opposition to the line of Seth - Cain's brother after Able. Sin took root and flourished in the line of Cain. Visit the Cain and Able page for a more in-depth look at this fascinating story. The history of Israel media page shares the video below as a resource for further study on this topic. 

Israel Media Outlets

Biblical Archaeology Review (BAR)

KING DAVID,  the second and greatest King of Israel, is discussed and studied in this video. David ruled around 1100 BC - 1000 BC. He was anointed by the prophet Samuel after King Saul, the first King of Israel, disobeyed God and fell out of favor. The Old Testament Book of I Samuel depicts the struggle between Saul and David, and Samuel's fascinating influence on the history of Israel.  II Samuel records David's reign in great detail, including his adulterous and murderous affair with Bathsheba.Despite David's brilliance as a king, his children left much to doubt. One of David's son raped his sister. Absalom, another of his sons, ended up leading a rebellion against David driving him from the city. King Solomon proved a worthy son for David. But Solomon's siblings and half-siblings were evil & rebellious. 

THE NEGEV is the desert region in the south of Israel. All of the patriarchs wandered through this area at one point during their lifetimes. David, the greatest King of Israel, dwelt in the Negev throughout his life, including his time in Ziklag. Beersheba is located in the Negev, where Abraham dwelt and built a well. Today inhabitants in the Negev face rocket fire from Gaza. As in the days of old, life is precarious in this vast and formidable region.  The Israel Media page attempts to visualize these different regions, geographical features, and other aspects of Israel's history for those who have not been to Israel. This video is of a car driving through the Negev, its terrain visible through the window. 

A map of the Negev, Israel's southern desert region.

More video from the Negev. The Negev is the largest region in Israel. 

THE HISTORY OF ISRAEL MEDIA page offers a variety of links to different maps of the land and Old Testament times and events. Click on a link below to view the particular map.

Bible Maps & Maps of Biblical Lands

Map of Palestine

Map of Lebanon

Map of Mesopotamia

Map of Jerusalem

Old Testament Maps

Old Testament Timeline

THE HISTORY OF ISRAEL MEDIA page seeks to bring aspects of the land of Israel visually to those who have not visited the land, or are interested in Israel and its storied past. This video is an interesting perspective on the prophecies of the Bible concerning Israel and Jews of today.

DISCUSSION FORUMS These are the most popular Blog Posts and Discussion Forums on They analyze and study the history of the Old Testament in relation to historical sources from ancient Egyptian, Mitanni and Hittite history.

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The "Nakedness" of Noah 
According to an expert on the language Strong you are reading this wrong. "saw the nakedness of his father" in Hebrew nakedness, 6172 'ervah is nudity. …

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Recent Articles

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    Feb 27, 25 04:47 PM

    Routes of the Exodus according to the Rose Bible Guide.
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  2. The Tabernacle of Moses

    Feb 19, 25 09:50 AM

    A map and ground plan for Moses' Tabernacle.
    The tabernacle of Moses was built by Moses, per instruction from God, during the Exodus out of Egypt. It represented God's presence amongst His people.

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  3. The Ark of the Covenant

    Feb 19, 25 09:46 AM

    The Ark of the Covenant
    The Ark of the Covenant is one of the most mystifying objects in all of human history. It's power was so great that Israel often carried it to the front lines.

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