Biblical maps bring the Bible to life. When one has an understanding of the geography involved in Biblical events, it is like watching an HD television as opposed to listening to AM radio. Biblical maps bring the characters & events of the Old & New Testaments to life. 

For example, in the Abraham narrative we are told Abraham traveled to Bethel and encamped on a mountain "to the east of Bethel". This seems like a rather mundane & innocuous detail. When one views this area on a simple Google Earth map there is a mountain precisely there by ancient Bethel just as the Bible describes.

This level of detail lends credibility to the Scriptures as being eye witness events. If the writer gives that much detail to the geography and land, and the places and people groups mentioned are indeed historical, then why would not the characters and events of the Bible in fact be true accounts?

Gallery of Various Biblical Maps

Biblical Maps of Old Testament Pre-history 

The Sons of Noah

The Land of Eden

Ancient Sumeria

Ancient Sumeria was the first recorded kingdom ca. 3000 BC. Sumer is intimately connected with the Biblical narrative in a number of ways, perhaps most notably as the home of Abraham. Abraham traveled from Ur in southern Mesopotamia to Canaan.

The Land Between Two Rivers is alternative designation for the Ancient Sumerian Empire. The Bible says after the flood the people migrated & settled on the Plains of Shinar. Perhaps these early settlers were the Sumerians, or, progenitors to the Sumerians. Very little is actually known about this super-advanced civilization. 

The 12 Tribes of Israel

Each of the 12 sons of Jacob were progenitors of the twelve tribes of Israel. After the Conquest each tribe was allotted territory with specific boundaries. This biblical map depicts the boundaries of the twelve tribes. 

The Tabernacle of Moses & Jewish Temple

The Tent of Meeting, or Tabernacle, was the original form of Israel's temple. It was used as the meeting place for Yahweh during the 40 years in the desert. It was the forerunner of Solomon's First Temple and Herod's Second Temple during the time of Jesus. 

Herod's Temple during Passover thronged with pilgrims from all over Israel. Worshippers flooded Jerusalem and the Temple precincts as the city swelled in population to upwards of 250,000. 

The City of David remained buried under the debris of a millennia prior to archaeology unearthing its ruins. 

The painting below depicts the view of the Temple complex looking westward from the mansion of the High Priest. The Temple faced east, towards the Mount of Olives in the background. Today the Dome of the Rock dominates this view.

A rendition of the Second Herodian Temple of Jerusalem during the time of Jesus.

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The Monarchies of Israel

Ancient Empires of the Old Testament World
(Bronze Age ca. 2000 BC - 1000 BC)

Why Biblical Maps Are Important

To the Faithful, the Bible is the accurate Word of God depicting real people and real events. Biblical maps help add context and understanding to many of the stories. 

They are helpful and very useful for students of world history and ancient history. These maps depict the modern countries of thle Middle East as they were from ca. 2000 BC, to roughly 400 BC, covering the Bronze and Iron Ages. This is the general time period of the Old Testament.

Biblical Middle East & Modern Day Middle East

United Kingdom ca 1000 BC & Modern Day

The time of Jesus' public ministry, the focus of the New Testament, is generally agreed to have occurred ca. 25-32 AD.  The year of His birth remains a debated topic, ranging generally between 6  - 2 BC. It should be noted the books of the New Testament have proven to accurately portray the various political parties and allies at work in first century Jerusalem.

These maps portray the land of Galilee and the various spots Jesus is said to have traveled, preached and resided. They also contain maps depicting the routes He traveled to Jerusalem for the great festivals. Though much of Jesus' life remains unknown, His ministry was preserved in the Gospels, as well as His movements, friends, relatives and daily life.

It was in Jerusalem Jesus was crucified, during the great Passover Festival. From there His message spread through the Roman world.

We hope you enjoy the wide variety of maps available to purchase and download. Thank you for visiting the website, and we hope you continue to come back.

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