Ancient Hittites 1625-1237 B.C. (Part II)

by Tom
(St. Louis)

Hittite king Suppiluliumas 1428-1392 B.C. now has the Mitanni king Artatama II 1406-1396 B.C. on his side.

Egyptian king Tutankhamen 1406-1396 B.C. general Horemheb launches an attack against Suppiluliumas I army and the Egyptians lose the battle. Tutankhamen dies of the plague. Tut's widow Ankhesenamun wants to marry Hittite prince Zannanza.

Egyptian king Ay 1396-1392 B.C. slays Suppiluliumas's son. The Hittite king Suppiluliumas appoints Mattiwaza 1396-1357 B.C. as king over the Mitanni region of Hanigalbat. Then Suppiluliumas goes to war against the Egyptian king Ay. Egyptian prisoners of war have the plague. Both Hittite king Suppiluliumas I and his son Arunwandas II 1392-1391 B.C. die in this plague.

Hittite king Mursilas II 1391-1363 B.C. stops Egyptian Horemheb 1392-1361 B.C. army from entering the Hittite empire.

Hittite king Muwatallis 1363-1337 B.C. Ramses I 1361-1360 B.C. poses no problems. Egyptian king Seti I 1360-1347 B.C. and Ramses II 1347-1280 B.C. go to war against Hittite king Mutallis at Kadesh. Ramses II's forces almost met with disaster. Ramses II was saved by the arrival of additional Egyptian troops. The Egyptians depart the battlefield ending the war in a stalemate.

Assyrian king Adad-Nirari I 1349-1315 B.C. taking advantage of the war attacks Mitanni king Shattura I 1357-1342 B.C. Adad-Nirari I replaces Shattura I with Washashatta 1342-1314 B.C.

Hittite king Mursilas III 1337-1330 B.C. is overthrown by his uncle Hattusilas III 1330-1301 B.C. who had a marriage alliance with the Egyptians. Ramses II, in his 34th year of reign in 1313 B.C., gives Hattusilas III Lebanon as a wedding present.

The Assyrian king Shalmaneser I 1314-1284 B.C. puts down Mitanni king Shattura II 1314-1301 B.C. rebellion and the Mitanni nation disappears from history.

Hittite king Tudhaliyas III 1301-1274 B.C. quickly gives the Amorites in Lebanon independence.

Jabin the Canaanite (Judges 4:2-3) oppresses Israel for 20 years 1298-1278 B.C. Hittites lost their Mitanni lands and other parts of Syria to Assyrian king Shalmaneser I. Jabin the Canaanite did much damage to Israel, so that Egyptian king Merneptah I 1280-1268 B.C. remarked "Israel destroyed, her seed (Children)vnot."

If we say in Barak and Deborah's 20th year of reign as judges in 1278 B.C., Jabin's army was destroyed, and their reign totaled 1298-1258 B.C. we would have another match in history.

Judge Gideon 1258-1218 B.C.

Hittite king Arunwandas III 1274-1267 B.C.

Hittite empire was starving. The Assyrians, lead by Tukulti-Ninurta I 1283-1247 B.C., were driving the Syrians into the Hittite nation, Lebanon, Israel and Egypt. Merneptah I 1280-1268 B.C. sent Arunwandas III grain.

Egyptian king Amenmesses 1268-1263 B.C.
Seti II 1263-1258 married a Syrian woman. Merneptah II 1258-1251 B.C. was part Syrian and queen Tausert 1251-1249 B.C. had an affair with her Syrian butler Bay.

Irsu 1249-1247 B.C. was a Syrian. If we say Judge Gideon defeated the starving children of the east (Syrians in Judges 6:3-4) in his 7th year 1251 B.C. we would have a complete match in Egyptian and Biblical history!

Hittite king Suppiluliumas II 1267-1237 B.C. Egyptian king Setnakht 1247-1245 B.C.
Ramses III 1245-1213 B.C. It was in Ramses III 8th year 1237 B.C. the Sea Peoples attacked Egypt and destroyed the Hittite empire.

Ramses VI 1203-1193 B.C. all Egyptian troops were pulled from Asia.

Judge Jair 1192-1170 B.C. would then build 30 Israeli cities. (Judges 10:3-4) It would be the Libyan pharaoh Shishak who would be the first king to invade Israel some 521 years after the Exodus. (1 Kings 14:25)

Comments for Ancient Hittites 1625-1237 B.C. (Part II)

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Apr 08, 2013
David Rohl's Historical Account is Fraudulent
by: Mark

David Rohl is another person like the Egyptian priest Manetho, who gives a mythical spin on ancient history.

It was Hittite king Muwatallis who battled against Ramses II three centuries before king Solomon reigned.

David Rohl conjures up a new history proclaiming in the 33th year of king Solomon's reign it was Israel who turned the tide at the battle of Kadesh for Ramses II, and its the Israelis whom helped Ramses II defeat Hittite king Muwatallis in 939 B.C.

Doesn't David Rohl know Israel's king Solomon reigned for 40 years in peace, in which Solomon had the time to build Solomon's temple? Doesn't David Rohl know the war between Ramses II and Muwatallis actually ended in a stalemate?

Apr 07, 2013
The Philistines - Judges 10:7-8 & Judges 13:1
by: Jerod

Some historians state the Sea Peoples became the Phoenicans in Lebanon and the Philistines in Canaan; and in 1237 B.C. the Sea Peoples attacked Egypt and brought down the Hittite empire. These people settled in the coastal areas of Lebanon and Canaan.

The Sea peoples ship pirates stopped Egyptian merchants from carrying out trade with Babylon by land and by sea since Syria, a market place for Babylonian goods, was closed to Egypt. The Sea Peoples lead to Egypt's decline.

We now find the three sons of Assyrian king Tulkulti submitting to Babylonian rule. The first Assyrian king Ashur-Nadin-Apali 1246-1229 B.C. had actually lost Egyptian trade links to Egypt because Ramses III 1245-1213 B.C. had trouble at first with the Libyans, before the Sea People's struck in 1237 B.C.

Assyrian king Ashur-Nadin-Apali 1246-1229 B.C. nation survival was dependent on trade so he and his brothers Assyrian king Ashur-Nirari III 1228-1221 B.C. and Assyrian king Enlil-Kudur-Uzur 1220-1216 B.C. served Babylonian king Adad-Shuma-Usur 1246-1214 B.C.

Assyrian king Enlil-Kudur-Uzur revolted and was slain by Assyrian noble Ninurta-Apal-Ekur who worshipped Babylonian gods.

The Sea Peoples definitely caused problems for Middle-East nations. As these Philistines were settling in Canaan, the Israelite Abimelech would declare himself king and reign over Israel 1218-1215 B.C. Ramses III 1245-1213 B.C. went bankrupt and Egyptian workers held strikes and he was slain. Ramses VI 1203-1193 B.C. withdrew Egyptian soldiers from Asia.

The Israeli judge Jair 1192-1170 B.C. built 30 Israeli cities. (Judges 10:3-4) No doubt the Israeli cities were used for protection, but Israeli defenses failed.

The Philistines and Ammon 1170-1152 B.C. oppressed Israel and stopped Egyptian kings Ramses X 1166-1157 B.C. and Ramses XI 1157-1130 B.C. from having trade with Byblos.

Philistines then oppress Israel again 1139-1099 B.C.

It appears like both Ammon and the Philistines caused trouble for Israel's king Saul 1099-1059 B.C. (1 Samuel 11:1-4) (1 Samuel 14:52)

David 1059-1019 B.C. also fought Ammon and the Philistines. (1 Chronicles 18:11) Israel's king Solomon 1019-979 B.C. had a peaceful reign. David's wars against Israel's enemies made it possible for king Solomon to have peace needed in which to build his temple.

Apr 07, 2013
Immanuel Velikovsky Lies
by: Anonymous

Immanuel Velikovsky lies when he states the queen of Sheba is Queen Hatshepsut, as he tries dropping Egyptian history down by 500 years.

There is so much distortion in ancient world history when historians won't accept Bible chronology. The traditional Bible chronology was around 50+ years too low.

One must establish the Exodus date at 1495 B.C. following 1 Kings 6:1.

Immanuel Velikovsky distorts the whole historical picture. Read his historical account. It is nothing like the history written here, which matches Assyrian, Babylonian, Biblical, Egyptian, Hittite and Mitanni history together, without replacing known historical figures with other known historical figures.

The queen of Sheba and queen Hatshepsut were two different people. The queen of Sheba visited king Solomon; and queen Hatshepsut was the princess who saved the infant Moses.

Another one of Immanuel Velikovsky's mistakes.
He tries to break up this connection.

Assyrian king Adad-Nirari I 1349-1315 B.C. in biblical chronological time (as represented in this research when the Exodus is set at 1495 B.C.) exchanged letters with Hittite king Hattusilas III 1330-1301 B.C. during the time of Egyptian king Ramses II 1347-1280 B.C. (All in true Biblical Chronological Time).

Ramses II gave Hattusilas III Lebanon as a wedding present for giving him a Hittite princess to marry in his 34th year in 1313 B.C. Assyrian king Shalmanesar I reigns 1314-1284 B.C. Immanuel Velikovsky tries to say Assyrian king Adad-Nirari I is another Assyrian king going by the name Shalmaneser III who existed some 500 years later.

Why people don't search for historical truths and back Immanuel Velikovsky's fantasy shows some people are not truly interested in real history, as explained here at

I hope the people here keep the research flowing. Modern day historians seem to have given up their study in search of real historical links between ancient nations.

Apr 07, 2013
Israel's Enemies Were In the Valleys
by: John

Carefully read "The Military Campaigns of Seti I" by Troy Fox.

Below the map at Seti I year one, Seti I vanquished the Shashu (already determined to be Moabites as previously mentioned above the map).

The Shashu Moabites were vanquished and Seti I made them carcasses in their VALLEYS!

Joshua 17:16 and Judges 1:19 Both proclaim Israel's enemies lived in the VALLEYS!

Egyptian king Seti I's army was not after the Israelites, who were now living in peace under judge Ehud's rule in the mountains of Israel.

Apr 06, 2013
Judge Ehud Defeats Moabites in 1360 B.C.
by: David

Look at Bruce's blog. It states judge Ehud defeated the Moabites in 1360 B.C. Egyptian king Seti I 1360-1347 B.C.(Biblical Chronological Time)

The military campaign of Seti I written by Troy Fox found under this title at website Tour Egypt.

"According to the exterior North Wall inscription at the Great Hypostyle Hall at Karnak, Seti I fought the Shasu whom some researchers suggest were Bedouins that came from MOAB! This means after judge Ehud defeated the Moabites, Seti I defeated more Moabites."

Egyptian and Israelite history once again match!

Seti I's base in Canaan was at Beth-Shean, a place where the Israelites avoided because of the iron chariots. (Joshua 17:16)

Hittite king Muwatalis 1363-1337 B.C. defeats the Seti I's army 1360-1347 B.C. near Kadesh. Ramses II 1347-1280 B.C. 5th year 1342 B.C. Hittite king Muwatalis forces fight the Egyptians. Both claim victory at Kadesh. Technically it was a stalemate and the Egyptian forces withdrew back to Egypt.

Apr 04, 2013
Traditional Biblical Timeline Charts
by: Stewart

Traditional Biblical Timeline Charts don't really give details on how ancient kingdoms interacted with one another.

The Biblical Timelines are cramming time together in a small space where history needs to be mapped

What effect on subject A had the effect on subject B and why did the conditions take place for certain events to have taken place in time?

Interactions among various people's, tribes and cultures have the effect in producing the truth.

The more information given, the more knowledge increases. has some interesting historical research bloggers.

Apr 04, 2013
Bible Timeline Chart
by: Daniel

Bible chronology.

Solomon 1019-979 B.C. (1 Kings 11:42 & 1 Kings 6:1 places Solomon's 4th at 1015 B.C., some 480 years after the Exodus.)

Judah kings:

Rehoboam 979-962 B.C. (1 Kings 14:21)
Abijam 962-959 B.C. (1 Kings 15:2)
Asa 959-918 B.C. (1 Kings 15:10)
Jehoshaphat 918-893 B.C. (1 Kings 22:42)
Jehoram 893-885 B.C. (2 Kings 8:17)
Ahaziah 885-884 B.C. (2 Kings 8:26)
Athaliah 884-878 B.C. (2 Kings 11:1-3)
Jehoash 878-838 B.C. (2 Kings 12:1)
Amaziah 838-809 B.C. (2 Kings 14:2)
Uzziah 809-757 B.C. (2 Kings 15:2)

Jotham 757-741 B.C. (2 Kings 15:33)
Ahaz 741-725 B.C. (2 Kings 16:2)
Hezekiah 725-696 B.C. (2 Kings 18:2)
Manasseh 696-641 B.C. (2 Kings 21:1)
Amon 641-639 B.C. (2 Kings 21:19)
Josiah 639-608 B.C. (2 Kings 22:1)
Jehoahaz 608 B.C. (2 Kings 23:31)
Jehoiakim 608-597 B.C. (2 Kings 23:36)
Jehoiachin 597 B.C. (2 Kings 24:8)
Zedekiah 597-586 B.C. (2 Kings 24:18)

Most historians agree Solomon's Temple was destroyed in 586 B.C.; but most historians fail in reporting Solomon's reign was at 1019-979 B.C.

Rehoboam's 5th year (1 Kings 14:25) was in 974 B.C., some 521 years after the Exodus. Egyptian king Shishak dies in 974 B.C. a few months after attacking Jerusalem.

Solomon's reign moves his first year of reign beginning in 1019 B.C. some 55 years higher than older estimates.

Shishak's death is moved up 55 years higher, and so is Thutmose III who would die in 1495 B.C. the Exodus year.

Does the Bible Timeline chart match Hittite, Mitanni, Egyptian and Assyrian history in correlation with the Bible at the 1495 B.C. Exodus date?

Does the Bible Timeline chart line up the four kings:
Assyrian king Ashur-Uballit (1413-1376 B.C.)
Kassite king Burnaburiah II 1428-1399 B.C.), Mitanni king Tushratta (1445-1406 B.C.) and Hittite king Suppiluliumas (1428-1392 B.C.) paying Egyptian king Akenaton (1424-1407 B.C.) tribute as the Tel-Amarna letters reveal?

Reign of year given in Biblical Chronological Time.

The comments at this site show more Biblical confirmations here than I have ever read. Some people actually took the time exposing real ancient history with Biblical connections.

The information is very valuable and the research follows Biblical truths.

Apr 02, 2013
The Fall of Jericho & Hittite History
by: Anonymous

If 1455 B.C. is the year Joshua destroyed Jericho, the year 1237 B.C. would be 218 years after Jericho was destroyed the Hittite empire fell.

If the year 1237 B.C. is the year the Hittite empire fell to the Sea People's, some 218 years later in 1019 B.C. would be king Solomon's first year of reign.

The Exodus would have to be in 1495 B.C. and Solomon's fourth year 1015 B.C. (1 Kings 6:1) for the mathematics to work.

Apr 02, 2013
How the Book of Judges fits Exactly into 1 Kings 6:1 Chronology
by: Bruce

1495 B.C. is the Exodus date.
1455 B.C. Joshua entered Jericho.

1418-1378 B.C. Othniel reigns as judge. Othniel defeats Cushan-Rishathaim in his 8th year 1410 B.C.

Cushan-Rishathaim is Tushratta 1455-1406 B.C.
Egyptian king Akenaton 1424-1407 B.C. uncle.

1378-1298 B.C. Ehud reigns as judge. Ehud's 18th year 1360 B.C. he slays Moabite king Eglon.

1298-1258 B.C. Deborah and Barak reign as judges defeating Canaanite king Jabin in 1278 B.C. in the 20th year.

1258-1218 B.C. Gideon reigns as judge. Gideon defeats the Midianites & Syrians in 1251 B.C. in his 7th year.

1218-1215 B.C. Abimelech slays his 70 half brothers.

1215-1192 B.C. Tola reigns as judge.
1192-1170 B.C. Jair reigns as judge.
1170-1152 B.C. Ammon oppresses Israel and who reigns as judges?

1170-1163 B.C. Ibson reigned as judge.
1163-1153 B.C. Elon reigned as judge. Why this order?

1153-1147 B.C. Jephthah reigned as judge defeating Ammon in 1152 B.C.

Judges 11:26 states for 300 years 1452-1152 B.C. the Israelites would live in Ammon's territory; and why now does Ammon wish to reclaim that territory. (Joshua destroyed Jericho in 1455 B.C.)

1147-1139 B.C. Abdon reigns as judge.

1139-1099 B.C. Philistine oppression

Samson 1139-1119 B.C. reigns as judge. 1119-1099 B.C.

The Ark of the Covenant (1 Samuel 7:2) is taken to Kirjath-jearim where it rests for 20 years. Samuel reigns as judge.

1099-1059 B.C. Saul reigns as king over Israel.
1059-1019 B.C. David reigns as king over Israel.
1019-979..B.C. Solomon reigns over Israel.

Solomon's 4th year is 1015 B.C. some 480 years after the Exodus the 1495 B.C. Exodus (1 Kings 6:1)

This would be the chart to use to link Biblical, Egyptian, Mitanni and Assyrian history together.

Apr 02, 2013
It all comes together
by: Ron

Ancient Hittites 1625-1237 B.C. (Part II)

Syrian connection, as children of the east (Judges 6:3-4) tied in with Egyptian and Assyrian history was most fascinating.

Egyptian king Merneptah I (I) 1280-1268 B.C. stated there were hoards of people drifting into Egypt to feed their bellies. Now we know they were Syrians.

Egyptian king Amenmesses 1268-1263 B.C. may have opposed the Syrians. Egyptian sources are silent about Amenmesses, but mention Seti II 1263-1258 B.C. having married a Syrian woman.

Merneptah II 1258-1251 B.C., the boy pharaoh, being part Syrian now makes sense. Then there is queen Tausert 1251-1249 B.C. having an affair with her Syrian Butler Bay and the Syrian Irsu 1249-1247 B.C. taking over Egypt and being defeated by the Egyptian Setnakht (Ramses III father). This completes the mystery in Egypt's history after Egyptian king Merneptah I reigned.

Judge Gideon 1258-1218 B.C. reign fits perfectly as the writer previously said, if in Gideon's 7th year reigning in 1251 B.C. he defeated the Syrians and Midianites.

Assyrian king Shalmanesar I 1314-1284 B.C. may have originally caused the first migration of Syrians into Egypt; and Assyrian king Tukulti-Ninurta 1283-1247 B.C. definitely caused the second wave of Syrians into Egypt.

Apr 01, 2013
Historical Confirmations
by: Jerry

Wish my history books carried this information. The history we receive in school, in our expensive books, simply don't make the historical connections between nations.

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