The Nephilim

"The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown."

Genesis 6:4

Those words have sparked debate for centuries. The appearance of the mysterious Nephilim in the Old Testament is marked by mystery, evil, corruption, wickedness and perversion of every sort. It is not a coincidence these events in Scripture happen right before the Biblical flood in Genesis 7. 

The passage in Genesis is enigmatic. The four verses which deal with this topic are brief and vague about the exact events surrounding the Nephilim, as well as their precise identity. The book of Numbers speaks of their descendants - a mystery in itself seeing how the Nephilim supposedly perished in the flood.

The Nephilim and their ancestors were known for being giants. They were powerful, huge in stature & size, and provoked absolute terror in all but one of Moses' spies (Cf. Numbers 13:31-33.

The controversy rests on the identity of these "sons of God" in the book of Genesis. These are the half-parents of the Nephilim. The English Standard Version Bible states;

the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose." (Genesis 6:2 ESV)

Who are the sons of God?

bene Elohim

The key to unlocking the Nephilim's identity is hidden in the phrase, “sons of God”. These were the half-parents of the Nephilim. The passage suggests the sons of God were the fathers of this union. They took for themselves wives among the daughters of man and had sex with them. The daughters of man, then, must be human women who functioned as the mothers for the Nephilim.

The question remains. Who were these fathers of the Nephilim? The Hebrew phrase "sons of god" used in Genesis 6:2 is, “beni-haelohim”.

Below is the phrase in Hebrew:


(Elohim)  ha   (Ben / Beni)

The phrase literally translates into English as, “sons of the god”. It is important to note that the Bible uses the same word for the pagan god as it does for the Hebrew God - Elohim. Which deity is meant - little 'e' for gods, and big 'E' for God - is often clear in the context of the usage.

However, sometimes the Hebrew definite article, ‘ha’ (the), is attached to elohim, as is the case in Genesis 6. In the above Hebrew phrase this article is highlighted in red font. This phrase literally reads as, ‘sons of the gods’, or ‘sons of the God’ - depending on the context of 'elohim' being used. 

Anytime the article ‘the’ is used in Scripture it clearly represents Yahweh. While there may be many gods, there is only one that is THE GOD. So, in Genesis 6:2 the “the” is dropped, the lowercase ‘g’ is capitalized, and the result is the Hebrew phrase stands for the one, true God of the Universe.

Below is a word-for-word breakdown of the phrase.

sons = בְנֵי

the (article) = הָֽ

god: in this case, capital G ‘God’ = אֱלֹהִים

Thus the literal translation is “sons of the God”. As stated above, it is understood the definite article refers to Yahweh, so “the” is dropped and written as capital ‘G’, “God”. Consequently, when taken at face value the sons of God is referencing sons of Yahweh, thus divine beings.

Are these angels? Can we find other references using the same phrase, bene Elohim, which paint a clearer picture of their identity?

Just what in the world was going on in the days of Noah?

In the Days of Noah

The Days of Noah: The days of Noah were marked by mysterious beings, global corruption & wickedness, and an epic flood that covered the earth. This was an enigmatic epoch in human history. 

The Greek Septuagint : The Septuagint was translated by Jewish Elders in Alexandria. They believed the "sons of God" were indeed fallen angels.

Flavius Josephus : Flavius Josephus shared the opinion of the other ancient historians and Church fathers. He believed they were the half-divine offspring of fallen angels. Josephus also connects them to the Greek gods of Greek mythology.

The Sons of God

In fact there are several other passages which use this exact phrase, or a very close derivative of it.

Here is the phrase in Hebrew from Genesis 6.


1. Job 1:6

בְּנֵ֣י הָאֱלֹהִ֔ים

Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them.

2. Job 2:1

בְּנֵ֣י הָֽאֱלֹהִ֔ים

Again, there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them to present himself before the LORD.

3. Job 38:7

בְּנֵ֥י אֱלֹהִֽים

When the morning stars sang together And all the sons of God shouted for joy?

4. Psalm 29:1

בְּנֵ֣י אֵלִ֑ים

Ascribe to the LORD, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to the LORD glory and strength.

5. Psalm 82:6

בְנֵ֖י עֶלְי֣וֹן   /  אֱלֹהִ֣ים

I said, “You are gods, And all of you are sons of the Most High.

6. Psalm 89:6

בִּבְנֵ֥י אֵלִים

For who in the skies is comparable to the LORD? Who among the sons of the mighty is like the LORD,

7. Daniel 3:25


He responded, “Look! I see four men untied and walking about in the middle of the fire unharmed, and the appearance of the fourth is like a son of the gods!”

In each of the passages above the context of this phrase is clearly that of an angel. A son of the gods, or, sons of God, or, the sons of the mighty, or sons of the Most High, clearly indicates angels, or at least divine beings of some type dwelling in heaven with Yahweh.

Therefore, when Genesis 6 is examined in conjunction with related biblical passages and recurring phrases, it strongly suggests that the 'sons of God' were angelic beings. Following this line of thought one must conclude that angels descended from heaven, took the women of earth to have sex with, and produced a half-divine and half-human offspring.

These offspring would have naturally possessed otherworldly traits seeing how half of their genetic DNA was of divine origin. This would account for the meaning behind the last sentence in Genesis 6:4;

These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.

The Nephilim were superior to homo-sapien in every way. In today's vernacular we would call them Superheroes. We catch a glimpse of the abilities the Nephilim may have possessed when we watch movies like Superman, Hancock, the Marvel series, etc. As they were half-divine their capabilities exceeded that of pure flesh.

If one accepts the Biblical context of the meaning behind sons of God, then Genesis 6 becomes a quite literal narrative. Genesis 6, then, speaks of angels having sex with women and producing superhero children who, collectively, were called the Nephilim.

The ancients called them gods. Famous figures like the Sumerian Gilgamesh, Mesopotamian Apkallu, the Egyptian Ra, the Greek gods of Zeus, Hermes, Hera, Aphrodite, Hades, Achilles and others, likely sprang from the memory of the Nephilim. The Nephilim offspring provide a historical basis for the half-human, half-divine gods that dominated the spiritual landscape of antiquity.

 These were the men of old, the men of renown.


The Nephilim Giants: Genesis 6 may be the one of the most mysterious passages in all of the Bible. The sons of God are said to have reproduced with the daughters of men. Their offspring were mighty men, men of old, men of renown. Who were these men?

Angels Marry Women?: This is an excellent and in-depth article written by Robert Gentet. His website,, is a very thought provoking and interesting site. This article touches on a number of themes and issues involving the Nephilim and their identity.

The Return in Numbers: Scripture states the flood in Genesis was a worldwide flood, destroying all life upon the earth. However, in Numbers 13 the Israelite spies encounter these people! How can this be? This is yet another mystery surrounding these mysterious people.

The Rephaim: The Rephaim were descendants of the Nephilim, according to Numbers. Abraham and Lot would have encountered these people during their time in Canaan. The Rephaim also fell victim to the same King Chederlaomer responsible for conquering Sodom and Gomorrah.

But why was Moses so brief in his treatment of the Watchers (sons of God) and the Nephilim in the Genesis account? One theory may be he already had the full account in the Book of Enoch. As the Israelites already possessed Enoch's telling of the narrative, Moses did not need to devote a tremendous amount of space in retelling the story. The fallen Watchers and their hybrid offspring the Nephilim was well known by the Israelites of Moses' day.

The mysterious Book of Enoch remains the most comprehensive account detailing the vague passage in Genesis. It fills in the gaps left in Genesis 6. While left out of the official canon of the Western church, the book of Enoch remains in the Ethiopian Orthodox Bible.

The secrets revealed in I Enoch are startling. Enoch, as well as the ancient world, believed the "sons of God" were fallen angels. Enoch called them the Watchers (Cf. Daniel 4:13,17,23). 

The Book of Enoch

Enoch the Prophet: Enoch was one of the great men of the Old Testament. However, the Bible does not mention much concerning the life of this ancient prophet. Sources of Apocalyptic Literature depict a man of extreme righteousness.

The book of Enoch (part 1): Enoch deals with the full story behind Genesis 6 in the book of Enoch. Section 1 deals with chapters 1-7 in the book of Enoch.

The Book of Enoch (part 2): Section two deals with chapters 8-12 in the book of Enoch. Enoch receives instructions from the faithful Watchers regarding God's message to the fallen angels.

The book of Enoch (part3): Section three deals with the book of Enoch chapters 13-15. Enoch ventures to the throne of God where he receives God's judgment on the fallen Watchers.

Accounts of the Nephilim exist in extra-biblical worksThe Dead Sea Scrolls provide a physical description of one of the Watchers in the scroll entitled; The Testament of Amram.

Amram was the father of Moses. In this narrative he receives a vision, in which he sees the Chief Angel of Darkness, named Melkiresha. Amram also encounters the Watchers.

"I saw Watchers in my vision...And behold two of them argued about me and said..."

He goes on to describe the appearance of one particular Watcher;

"His looks were frightening like those of a viper, and his garments were multi-coloured and he was extremely dark..."

The Book of Giants is an apocryphal book found among the Dead Sea Scrolls that also speaks directly to the Nephilim. In this text the wicked angels descend from heaven, bring secret & hidden knowledge to mankind, wreak havoc upon the earth, copulate with women and "begat giants". 

It is quite remarkable so many ancient, separate, distinct, and individual documents, one of which is in the Biblical canon, all of which were found together among the Dead Sea Scrolls, make mention of the same group of beings and their offspring.

Nephilim Word Study

The word Nephilim in Genesis 6 is, nefil. In Hebrew it appears as;

נְפִילִ or נְפִלִ

The word nefil has a somewhat convoluted meaning. It comes from the Hebrew root, naphal


Naphal means, 'to fall', 'lie'. In this sense, nefil, or the plural, nefilim (Nephilim), can mean 'the fallen ones'.

However, the Septuagint (LXX) - the Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament - used the word gigas instead of nefil. Gigas translates as "giant", or "giants". This is in-line with the Biblical representation of the Nephilim and their descendants as being giants. 

Thus Nephilim has come to mean "giants". Dr. Michael Heiser aptly stated; "Jewish writers and translators (e.g., the Septuagint) habitually think "giants" when they use or translate the term." (Reversing Hermon, 16).

Whether the term means giant(s) or fallen ones is, in the end, irrelevant. Based on the nature of the Nephilim they were both.

Fallen in the sense their parents were fallen angels from heaven. Giant in the sense they were, physically, giants compared to the rest of humanity. 

Even Peter believed the Nephilim were the progeny of fallen angels. He reveals this belief in II Peter 2:1-10. In v.4 he writes; "For if God did not spare the angels who sinned...". The only angels in Scripture that can be said to have sinned are those in Genesis 6. 

Jude, too, believed this to be the case. Jude alludes to the Nephilim in Jude 6; "And the angels who did not keep to their own domain but deserted their proper dwelling place, he has kept in eternal bonds..."

Jude also directly quotes from the book of Enoch in Jude 14 when speaking of Enoch. 

These NT disciples, along with others, believed the angels who sinned were the fallen watchers of Genesis 6 who had sex with homo sapien females. Leaving their proper abode in heaven they descended on the earth to pollute the seed of the woman (C.f. Genesis 3:15).

Similarly, the Nephilim were viewed as the abhorrent byproduct of this forbidden union—a monstrous lineage traced to the serpent’s influence (C.f. Gen. 3:15). These towering giants plagued humanity and despoiled the earth, their corruption so grievous that Yahweh ultimately unleashed the Flood as an act of divine judgment to eradicate their wickedness.

With this knowledge in mind, one shudders at the enigmatic words of Jesus Christ in Matthew 24:37;

For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.

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The word Nephilim is a Made Up Word Not rated yet
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The Nephilim in Genesis 6 were Spirits Ghosts Clouds of Mist Not rated yet
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Lfelipe86 Not rated yet
i´ve been reading about enoch,the watchers and azazel and it seems to me that azazel and samyaza are the same been especially if we take under consideration …

My own take on the Nephilim - Sons of God debate Not rated yet
In the book of enoch, there is given detail of these 'watchers' or 'sons of God' and their contributions to the further fall of mankind. It mentions …

Possibly not Angels at all. Not rated yet
I am a religious man, I have read the bible, several times, but not much is said about the condition of the earth before, and during, and immediately after …

Thirsty for Knowledge on the Sons of God Not rated yet
Yes, very interesting indeed. I would love to know if it still happens. Are they considered evil because their offspring were?

The world according to Lindsey Not rated yet
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Sons of God Not rated yet
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Nephilim 2.0 Not rated yet
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Response to Blaming Ham (for the Nephilim) Not rated yet
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The Nephilim Not rated yet
What about when it says that Nephilim were on the earth after the flood, if they all died in the flood what Nephilim survived? Only Noah's family was left. …

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Dorothy Not rated yet
The Nephilim were indeed on the earth in the days prior to the flood, and after the flood, just as Gen. 6:4 says. They were a hybrid of half human/half …

Modern Day Technologies Not rated yet
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Prophet Frederick Not rated yet
The book of Enoch clearly explains the Watchers, the Nephilim and Azazel, the angel who taught the secrets of divine knowledge to man. This cannot be ruled …

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