Descendents of Black Slaves in America are the original Hebrew Isrealites...
by Angela Mcfadden
According to scripture, the blacks in America are the original biblical HEBREW ISREALITES. Deuteronomy CH. 4 and CH. 28 lists BLESSINGS and CURSES that the Isrealites would receive if they obey or disobey GOD'S word. History proves that before Israel was called Israel, it was first called the "land of Canaan" inhabited by the cannanites. The Cannanites were DESCENDENTS OF Canaan, a son of Ham and he as well as his descendents would be cursed due to Ham' s gazing and making fun of his father's Noah' s nakedness. Noah cursed Canaan and his DESCENDENTS, not his own son Ham. Ham became indirectly cursed because Canaan was his son. The book of genesis FORETOLD the defeat of the inhabitants of the Land of Canaan due to awful depravity and incredible DISOBEDIENCE. GOD promised the land to Abram and his DESCENDENTS. The BLACK SLAVES are the people's fitting the descriptions outlined in Deutoronomy ch. 4 & CH 28; they were enslaved 400 yrs. In America, SHIPPED by way of ships, treated horribly by their enemies, etc. Read these chapters and piece the bible together with the things going on today in modern day society. I get a more cleared understanding of why my Black Race are continuously oppressed.