Free Speech

by Jayant

I think peaceful relegions like xtianity. hinduism. buddism etc should regularly meet and propogate tolerance and basic morals. they should be steadfast in their opposition to suppression of free speech.

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Feb 19, 2017
Truth in love
by: Anonymous

Jesus said my greatest commandment is that you love the lord your God with all of your heart soul and mind and to Love others as yourselves .

Why do people feel the need to scream out their truths and their beliefs? God doesn't need us to DEFEND him . JESUS doesn't Need us to point our figures at people and damn them to hell .

Jesus walked the walk and as we get to know his ways we see that LOVE wins the hearts of his peoplE!!! LOVE

This world is a mess and if we all chose to walk in love and give God the glory when our lives are la light for others the world will SEE Jesus and be drawn to him.

Don't scream your views at people . This only closes their hearts and minds and refuse to hear you.
Whisper love by what you do and how you LOVE people . When we Treat people with kindness and love no matter what their views are doesn't mean that've AGRRE with them or that we are denying Christ, it only means that we are loving "like "Christ.
Lifting the faces of the broken, the lost through love and showing truth through living it. This might also open The hearts of others who long for acceptance and true . The world needs more people who will look outside of themselves and find a way to love others deeper .

Aug 26, 2016
free speech?
by: Anonymous

Ant religion that doesn't have Jesus as your savior, you will not go to heaven, you will go to hell

Nov 07, 2015
no peace
by: Elijahovah

The Pacific ocean means Paci (Pachi, or pachee) being our word Peeee-Achie PEACE. There is no peace when the typhoon is brewing. To ask for peace in some minds is to sit on the beach and not care of the storm. It kills who it kills. This is Hinduism. They do nothing. And they are liars. In the movie BEST MARIGOLD HOTEL, their idea of optimism is of a man asking if his tea has sugar or not. They do not say whether he is diabetic and will die from sugar. The waiter merely says what do you want it to be, then that is what it is. This is not peace. This is a demon who feels that if you die form sugar, it was in the plan, accept it. DO NOT classify Jesus with this, because he would have said the same as I that such is the way of passive helpless possessed in trance by demons. They did not build an ark. They sat and hummed and watched Noah build his. So the war is not physical attack of others, nor a verbal attack to rally up physical attack. BUT it is verbal, it defies lies, it speaks. It is in the Bible to have this verbal war.

The death of Jesus tested in two ways the court. Right to be silent (enraging people who ware evil), and right to speak (where truth can be one word yet inspire them to kill you). This is how your claim of tolerance behaves and what they do.

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