Melchizedek is currently Misao Okawa
by Richard Schiller
(Kenosha WI, USA)
Melchizedek is currently Jose Aguinelo dos Santos being age 126 since 1888 July 7. Melchizedek is labeled as king of righteousness by being the oldest alive. In 1943bc when Abram was 75 and deserted the city of Ur with its death of king Shulgi passing to is son AmarPal, went to the 87-year old city of Salem to meet its founder Melchizedek the Shem who passed thru on the ark.
Shem at 525 was the oldest alive on the planet. Before him was Noah who died Greek Dec 25 Christmas day of 2021bc with th two known dates of their 360-day calendar date 4-18-954 and 365-day calendar date 6-15-349 (before the July 14 new year 350 (2020bc Pamenot 1), and before the 360-day honoring of Narmer (Nar Merod) on the next new year 955 (of unification of the 42 cities of Egypt in 2020bc on Sep 4). Noah was given the name Melchizedek at 930 in the same year as the name Man-Nu (Manu). He could rest now because he had reached the surpassing of Adam (or so the world saw it that way).
Adam was the first Melchizedek by definition of being oldest, but no one else expected to die for his sin. Ignorance of knowledge however effects all children who will then suffer the same lack of knowing that C-14 on DNA destroys cells in a slow rate. Death if slow enough, is ignored. The first Melchizedek then is actually Jared of 962 and he was surpassed by the second Melchizedek Methuselah who died on 2370bc G.Oct 31 = J.Nov 20.
However, the first man regarded as going to heaven is not the body translation of Enoch at 365 from earth matter to atmospheric air of bird-heaven when the first king Alulim of Eridu struck Enoch with anti-matter for defying that Alulim should pass kingship to the 4th king Kichunna of Larsa. Those people knew he was not in heaven; their debate was whether God had punished him thru angels on earth, or rewarded him with his torture ending in this death. The first labeled man of heaven was Peleg (Phaleg or Phallic which means CROSS-over because the cross bar divides the line in two in a division) who is Mes.Anipada the founder of Ur whose wife is Puabi (Pu-Abum) Lady over all citizens of Ur as slaves to the city-state, master of all the things desired by a queen. Her husband Peleg died in 2030bc on May 6 after Chaldean Hyksos left Ur and together with Ararat Hittite Hyksos founded Noph Mizraim (Memphis Egypt) and its 365-day calendar new year 340 on Pamenot 1 (July 17). When he died.
Nahor Mes.Kalumdug proclaimed him to be in heaven, aged rapidly to 239 to die and cross-over 8 years before Noah died. Thus he and his (grand) son Haran A.Kalumdug held a ritual poisoned suicide to go to heaven taking their 68 wives to die and join Peleg on Kayak 24 (which became mourned in Egypt as their Christmas Eve (2029bc May 5) down to the days of Moses who at age 40 noted this annual "year" 1554bc January 7 (Kayak 24) three days after solstice. Noah became the first universal man in heaven (as the current Melchizedek) upon his death, given the name Vishnu.
Heber the Heberew survived 600-year old Shem Melchizedek as oldest in 1868bc at only 435. When Heber died at 464 in 1839bc, then Narmer (Nimrod) the Menu (Menes) who replaced Noah (Manu) in 2020bc was 431, and he would become Melchizedek by dying at 499 in 1770bc on April 22 (the 365-day date of 12-15-599) Mekir 15 of year 599 accredited the age 500 of the new year 600 on Pamenot 1 (1770bc May 13). His Mekir 15 death is confused with the Mesor 15 death of Noah (2021bc Dec 25). And worse, the 360-day calendar then has its 1770bc date of 12-15 on December 25 (Paopi 17 of year 600 or 8-17-600 of 2256am) mistaken as Noah's 2-17-600 to later claim the Flood was 2256am. Thus Nimrod was the last (false) Melchizedek going to heaven.