Sons of Noah

by Ian
(Mel, VIC, Australia)

For those who cautiously talk in terms of "The Bible suggesting" and " The Story of Noah", again put a true account into the realms of myth and legend; therefore conveniently creating some doubt about true facts. This is an age old ploy of the adversary Satan, who will, in whatever avenues available, lead people astray, deny the truth, to keep humanity separated from a Holy God.

The old testament chronology is beautifully and concisely written, and true.

If you want to crunch numbers you will find that the bible account of the world re-population after the flood, through Noah's Sons and their wives, is completely achievable and correct.

From generation to generation, every baby is miraculously formed in its' mothers womb through the power of God. How else could it be ?

God's power is without limit. If he wanted to re-design or develop a race to be particularly oriental, through natural evolution or divine intervention, He is perfectly at liberty to do so.

All this confounds the reasoning of man, the created being who has but a short life span on earth.

Far better to accept the biblical account, believe, and be thankful, and to understand and accept Jesus Christ as your true Saviour.

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Apr 16, 2013
Japheth and the Sons of Noah
by: Selah

Supposedly the Sullivan's, O'Sullivans (and heirs) are descendents of Japheth and traveled from the land of Magog. To make a long story short, these descendents were involved in witchcraft (Druids) and sun worship. St. Patrick help put them back on the right path - worshipping God.

That information comes from the book titled, The Oak and the Serpent. The information about Japheth and his descendents line up with your information and map, Sons of Noah. And you are right - a lot is lost with the years and fables. Only the Word of God is true!

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