The Ancient Path - Noahide
by Yhon Jetley-Marks
Mankind is mankind - my point being that there are not different species of mankind, we are all human and basically all have the same needs, it does not matter what nationality we are or what color we are, we all need air, food, warmth, shelter, love, protection and choice et al.
Having been a Christian all my life - it is still a surprise to me that I began to question it all - and question it I did!
In the Christian religion alone there is such a plethora of different teaching, beliefs and denominations, they make your head spin. While on the other hand Judaism is the original of both of the world wide religions, including Islam. So I went back to the original and found there is no need for anything else, because God has made Himself known to mankind through Sinai and the Torah with their great leader and prophet Moses.
The Torah is not just for the Jews it is for all mankind, the Jewish Nation is called to be a Kingdom of Priests and to be a light to the nations. Nobody else!
Abraham, as all the other patriarchs, were Noahides, just as all Gentiles are Noahides, one does not become a Noahide if one is not a Jew he/she is a Noahide. Man has devised other beliefs and interpretations of God - however God did not devise another religion. He did not change his mind or give a new set of beliefs or rules to anybody else.
The Torah stands immutable, unchangeable and eternal and this is what we will be judged by.
After the Great Flood, Noah and his progeny were given 7 commandments to live by - which centuries later were incorporated into the Torah and they are in still full force.
There is only ONE God, and He is not divisable - He is singular, unique and separate from anything else. He can't and never will be come human - yet He fills all things, He created all things and is in control of all things. There is no need for a mediator - He is utterly approachable and there for all people. He has one son though plural Israel is singular and He is the God of Israel.
The god of the New Testament and the god of the Koran is not the God of Israel. And God never changes, nor does He change His mind on something so serious as the Torah. For the Torah is the Tree of Life and the blue print of this world and is eternal.
To change one word of the Torah is to cut one self off from the Tree of Life which is God Himself. Both Christianity and Islam have done this, they have changed and perverted the Holy Torah to deceive billions.