by White Rose
Nephilim, or Sons of God, is intriguing. What do you think of the following?
I believe that the word refers to the bloodline of Seth. It's possible that God desired the descendants of Seth and that of Cain to separate with no intermarriage. It is written that God gave Cain a mark to single him out after murdering his brother, but it's possible that his descendants bore the same mark.
Though we will never know for sure what it was. We see the same reasoning with that of the Israelites. In later history from the bible, they were not to take certain wives among them. It is written that King Solomon took wives of such people, and made God unhappy because Solomon started worshiping other false Gods.
Now we come to Noah. In the bible it says that Noah is perfect in his generations. Why would it say that? Because he has a clear line from Seth with no intermarriage into the daughters of Cain. They are saved from the flood.
Could the reason that the term Nephilim has lost it's meaning is because People after the flood didn't worry about ever intermarrying and loosing the bloodline with the children of Cain, because they were all dead?
Is it possible that there may have been a special name for the Cain bloodline that has been lost? How many generations was it after the flood before some started making false Gods, and these other nations rise in which God has to warn the children of Israel not to inter-marry?
Is it far fetched since even today the royal family, and others who have famous members in their bloodline, are afraid of loosing it.
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