The location of Gihon River.

by Floyd

I would like to suggest that the Gihon River runs a very different course that what this article claims. The Bible specifically identifies this course. 1 Kings 1:38 mentions that Solomon was crowned king at Gihon (Mt Moriah). 2 Chronicles 32:30 mentions that King Hezekiah built a dam over Upper Gihon "and brought the water by tunnel to the West Side of the City of David." Manasseh built a wall on the west side of Gihon (2 Chronicles 33:14). When the Bible mentions the Land of Cush, many do not take into consideration the Hebrew meaning of the word Cush. Cush simply means to gush forth. It does not necessarily refer a particular city or location but rather the name of the place derived from a fountainhead. That fountainhead gave rise to the four rivers. One of those rivers ran directly through Mount Moriah (Jerusalem) if we are to believe the biblical texts and not speculations of certain archaeologists. Gihon is under Mount Moriah!

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Sep 16, 2024
by: Anonymous

Whether in Hebrew or Greek, Kush means Black, not gush forth, as indicated in the article.Therein, some of the comments are not cogent to the text of Scriptures.

Perhaps one should also note the Zephaniah the Kushite prophet is a descendant of King Hezekiah of Yehuda, who himself was a man of color, so too Melek David.

Moreover, Emperor Haile Sellasie from Ethiopia is the 225th direct descendant of Melek David.

The River Gihon appears to be the same rive that encircles Ethiopia, and thereby travels underground to Jerusalem. That's not unusual

In 1936 when Italy tried to invade Ethiopia, Selassie travelled to Jerusalem, because he knows his history and his family connection.

Please read Zephaniah 3: 9-10, and Isaiah 18 also Isaiah 1, and perhaps some might change their Eurocentric view of the Scriptures.

Jan 15, 2024
Awesome Explanation NEW
by: Az

Hi Floyd,
I was fascinated reading your article on River Gihon and Garden of Eden. Awesome explanation. I checked the map around Ethiopia and there is no way Gihon would be at Ethiopia because of the red sea, meaning there is no connection to Iraq and Israel without passing through the red sea. So in my opinion River Gihon is not in modern day Ethiopia. Wherever this river Gihon is, is not far from Euphrates and Tigris, they cannot be separated by an ocean.
The very key explanation is, if you understand how God operates: If God was visiting Adam at the garden of Eden that would mean that wherever that place was is a portal.
Secondly, there is no reason why God would have Abraham walk days to go Sacrifice Isaac when he could have done it where he was, but God told him to go to Mt Moriah because that's the Portal where He was coming to meet Adam in the Garden of Eden in the cool of the day.
Also, Jerusalem in nothing but arid desert, i dont see any big attraction there except that there is no place that God said He put His name on earth except Jerusalem and not just Jerusalem but because of that portal of where the foundation stone of creation was laid ...Garden of Eden.
With River Gihon traversing Mt Moriah and with all the activities 1kings 1:38, 2 Chro 32:30, 33:14, The Garden of Eden is in no other place than at that point of the Temple Mount. To surprise you more, when Jesus comes He is coming through the same portal to put His foot on Mt Olives... same area


Sep 26, 2019
ethiopia is mentioned over 40 times on the bible NEW
by: Anonymous

why you do not use jermyas edition?

Sep 16, 2019
Rightly divide the word of truth
by: Anonymous

Alonzo how simple can i make this. Your own reference within YOUR response refers Strong concordance 1521 Giychown ghee-khone' or (shortened) Gichown {ghee-khone'}; from 1518; stream; Gichon, a river of Paradise; also a valley (or pool) near Jerusalem:--Gihon. Thus Gichon (Gihon) is a river of Paradise (Eden) also (as well as) a valley pool near Jerusalem. Two different places with the same name.

Look at your own reference. I have only used the same reference tool of Strongs concordance as well as look to the Jewish Publication Bible which refers to the tradition Hebrew Text.

Over and out.

Sep 16, 2019
RE: Response to Other Comments
by: Alonzo

"You refer to Strongs definition H1518; stream or spring. Within scripture more than one place can hold the same name. You are correct that in the Brown-Driver Briggs definition it gives 2 definitions for Gihon. A) one of the four rivers of the garden of Eden B) a spring near Jerusalem where the anointing of Solomon took place. The 2 are named Gihon but one is a stream in Jerusalem and the other a river but they are not the same."

You raise a straw man. I never referenced Strong's H1518 nor did I refer to Brown-Driver-Briggs, all liberal and unbelieving scholars who do not hold to the Scriptures as the word of God. They speculate instead of do serious scholarship.

While words have several meanings, context always reigns, and you have not addressed context. It is also true that an author referenced landmarks for future generations, but you speculate about places of names and fail to read the text as stated. Besides, God gave Moses about Beginnings, and you and the author of the article failed to acknowledge that. You are barking you an erroneous tree. Do your research and reply to my comments directly without speculation. Also, identify yourself rather than anonymous. Otherwise, this discussion with you comes to a close.

Sep 16, 2019
Response to Other Comments NEW
by: Alonzo

"You have mixed your stream up with a river bearing the same name. A common error."

You have not supported your claims with any scholarly sources. Genesis IS BEFORE the writings and prophets. You are also wrong on Strong's.

I cease to go forward until you can support your claims.

Sep 16, 2019
Look again
by: Anonymous

You refer to Strongs definition H1518; stream or spring. Within scripture more than one place can hold the same name. You are correct that in the Brown-Driver Briggs definition it gives 2 definitions for Gihon. A) one of the four rivers of the garden of Eden B) a spring near Jerusalem where the anointing of Solomon took place. The 2 are named Gihon but one is a stream in Jerusalem and the other a river but they are not the same.

Genesis predates the book of the Kings it gives the beginning of things. The Genesis writer gives knowledge the River Gihon winds through the whole land of Cush. Therefore It is logical in identifying where the descendants of Cush migrated to (hundreds of years before King Solomon’s era) that you could more or less identify the region where the path of Gihon once ran. Strongs Hebrew concordance gives 6 results for Cush or Cushite which all leads to Ethiopia. You have mixed your stream up with a river bearing the same name. A common error.

Sep 16, 2019
Response to Other Comments
by: Alonzo

The other comments about Gihon. In two of the responses, they mention the meaning of Cush and the location of Gihon being in Afica. Concerning the meaning of Cush one person cited Jerimiah for support. Such a reference over 1,000 years later fails to support the original meaning linguistically. Word meanings change over time, and the original meaning, according to most scholars, is unknown. Cush did not mean "black" etymologically. Strong's concordance has the meaning of "gushing forth" (Citation 1521). That alone discounts any notion that the Gihon River cited in Genesis 2 was in Africa, especially since the original text was Hebrew.

To use the logic that since Cush was from Ham and that the Cushites were in Ethiopia does not necessarily lead to the conclusion that the Gihon is the Nile. What this conclusion ignores is the time lapse from Cush's birth and the migration to Africa. That took centuries.

Another person wrote, "In Genesis 2 it mentions that the river Gihon encompasses the land of Ethiopia." Genesis 2:13 does not mention Ethiopia but Cush (כּֽוּשׁ׃). The above statement is erroneous.

Therefore, all the statements made in response to mine are in error.

Sep 16, 2019
Truth is not selective
by: Anonymous

Cush according to the Jewish Publication Society bible was a son of Ham (son of Noah) hence cushities were Cush descendants. Cush also means black. Cush descendants occupied land around the southern part of Nile (Ethiopia)). Jerusalem if you remember was initially of the descendants of Canaan another of Ham’s sons, which the children of Israel possessed through covenant God made with Abraham. Genesis clearly says Gihon winds through the whole land of Cush. One word can have various meanings in scripture but it is absolutely clear that black (skin) is a definition. Jeremiah 13v23 Can the Cushite change his skin or the leopard his spots?

The river Gihon location is uncertain some say it could be akin to the Nile which runs through several countries including Ethiopia. What is certain is if there is fear to present or consider balance in our truth we must consider why?

Sep 12, 2019
Gihon and Ethiopia
by: Anonymous

In Genesis 2 it mentions that the river Gihon encompasses the land of Ethiopia. Why wasn't Ethiopia as mentioned in Genesis taken into consideration to your conclusion in the article?

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