The Modern Jews
The modern Jews are not the descendands of the ancient Israelites and here's the proof. For a start the ancient Jews were only 1 tribe of the 12 Tribes of Israel and the modern Jews like to pretend the other tribes eventually just became extinct and they are the only ancestors left of the 12 Tribes of Israel.
This did not happen, after being captured by the Assyrians, the Lost 10 Tribes eventually escaped captivity and branched out, wave by wave, over hundreds of years, into Northern Europe and away from the enemy. Many people dont realize that before this point most of Northern Europe was very sparsely populated unlike the South which was occupied by the Romans and Greeks.
Here is a link thoroughly proving all of this with linguistics and ancient artifacts -
Secondly, the modern "Jews" are not even Jews to begin with. They originate from Turkish/Mongolian coverts in about the 10th century who converted to Judaism en mass and were known as the Khazars. These people were the offspring of invading Mongolian hordes who ruled large parts of Southern Russia. A Jew by the name of Arthur Koestler wrote a book called "The Thirteenth Tribe" and exposed them. "Mr. Koestler's excellent book...Is as readable as it is thought-provoking. Nothing could be more stimulating than the skill, elegance and erudition with which he marshals his facts and develops his theories..." Fitzroy Maclean, New York Times Book Review. - See
Thirdly the Europeans and their ancestors today are the only pure descendents of the ancient Israelites, although traces of Israelite genetics can probably be found very sparcely in other mixed population groups of today - even in the Ethiopians many of whom are very dark skinned, however have unusually straightish hair. King David in the the Bible was described as ruddy (rosy faced) and the word Adam in Hebrew means "to be ruddy or show blood in the face" - the ancient Israelites were white. This is why many Palestinians and Syrians are very light skinned today - they are the mixed descendants of the ancient Israelites. The futher you go back in history, the lighter these people become ! Some modern Afro-centrists in trying to create a history for Africa that can be seen to have competed at the same level as Europe have quoted a few very weak quotes from the Bible to try claim the Israelites were black, of someone having "hair like wool", but there is not nearly enough evidence to support this theory and black culture could not be more different to the Middle East - hair included !
The prophesies of the Jews returning to the promised land has not yet been forfilled because the Bible says this will only happen after the Second Coming of Christ. Even more reason proving that modern "Jews" are imposters ! Britain and Europe have inherrited all the promised blessings to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ! The state of Israel is in constant war and would be nothing without the continued, misconstrued assistance of Britain and America ! America donates more "AID" to the state of Israel in one year, than to the whole of the African continent !