The Pharaoh of the Exodus
by Lujack Skylark
(St. Louis)
1 Kings 6:1 states the Exodus occurred some 480 yrs. before king Solomon's 4th year. King Solomon reigns 36 more years = 516 years after the Exodus.
Then in the 5th year of Rehoboam, 1 Kings 14:25, 521 years after the Exodus Egyptian king Shishak attacks Jerusalem and dies shortly afterwards in the 521st year.
Egyptian kings in solo years:
0-24 yrs. Amenhotep II
24-33 yrs. Thutmose IV
33-71 yrs. Amenhotep III
71-88 years Akenaton
88-89 Semenkare
89-99 yrs. Tut
99-103 yrs. Ay
103-134 Horemheb
134-135 Ramses I
135-148 yrs. Seti I
148-215 yrs. Ramses II
215-227 yrs. Merneptah I
227-232 Amenmesses
232-237 yrs. Seti II
237-244 yrs. Merneptah II
244-246 yrs. Tausert
246-248 yrs. Irsu
248-250 yrs. Senakht
250-282 yrs. Ramses III
282-288 yrs. Ramses IV
288-292 yrs. Ramses V
292-302 Ramses VI
302-303 Rmases VII
303-310 Ramses VIII
310-329 yrs. Ramses IX
329-338 yrs. Ramses X
338-365 yrs. Ramses XI
365-392 yrs. Smendes
392-396 yrs. Neferkhres
396-446 yrs. Psusennes I
446-455 yrs. Amenmope
455-461 years Osokhor
461-481 Siamon whose daughter marries king Solomon
481-500 yrs. Psusennes II & 500-521 years Shishak!
The king before Amenhotep II is Thutmose III the pharaoh of the Exodus as the numbers reveal.